Selasa, 29 Desember 2009



Thank God we prayed for the Presence of God Almighty has mercy, guidance and His inayah health and sanity and gives us pleasure that can complete tasks in the course of this computer system in a timely manner.

We do not forget to thank:

1. Mr. Periyadi, as the lecturers Computer Systems courses.

2. Assistant lecturer in Computer Systems.

3. Friends PCE 0908.

4. And all those who have helped in completing this huge task Siskom, the author can not mention one by one.

Writers huge task in compiling this computer system, although the author was trying to semaksimalnya the finish, the authors believe there are still many shortcomings everywhere.

Therefore, the authors beg for criticism and suggestions in preparing a large task can be even better.

Bandung, December 26, 2009



     Mohamad Arif Prasetyo







I. PREFACE .................................................................................................. 1

II. TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. 2

III. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 4

A. Problem Background ................................................................. 4

B. Formulation of the Problem ...................................................... 4

C. Destination ................................................................................ 6

IV. LIMITATION OF PROBLEM ................................................................... 7

V. BASIS THEORY ........................................................................................ 8

VI. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 9

A. Discussion Hardware ................................................................. 9

B. Discussion Troubleshooting ..................................................... 10

C. Technique In Troubleshooting ................................................. 10

D. Forward Engineering ............................................................... 11

E. Backward Technique ................................................................ 11

F. Problem Detection Technique ................................................. 12

G. Measurement Analysis ............................................................ 12

H. Voice Analysis .......................................................................... 13

I. Analysis ..................................................................................... 14

J. How To Get To Know Troubleshooting ..................................... 15

K. Hardware and software troubleshooting ................................ 16

L. Troubleshooting the Motherboard .......................................... 21

M. Tips Working With Computers ............................................... 28

N. P3K (First Aid Computer )......................................................... 30

VII. CLOSING ............................................................................................ 31

A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 31

B. Suggestions .............................................................................. 31

VIII. REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 33

IX. APPENDIX............................................................................................ 34














A. Problem Background

In modern times, all this is not an overstatement to say that the computer is the tool most people quickly and accurately. But any way as the other machines, computers can also be a failure in carrying out its functions. Problems caused by the computer is sometimes a small problem that does not require a high level of knowledge about computers. To complete it, may be solved by having a very basic knowledge about computers. But sometimes the problem is also requires a high level of ability of computers and their components that require a special technician for repair. The main task of the PC is a technician who failed to recognize the components function. "Troubleshooter" use all necessary equipment and the ability of human thought, to find and repair the failed components are functioning.


B. Problem Definition

Here is the conclusion of the inspection categories are computer tracking forms for errors that occur:



1. Visual inspection category

Visual inspection is the initial stage of the examination tests a few problems that can be captured easily through the eye or apnca our senses. This examination example:


   Check the cable connections, such as poer cable or data cable. Is there a loose cable or not connected properly.

         Examination "jumpers" like jumpers motherboard, hard disk or CD ROM, if the configuration is correct?

     installation inspection cards like graphics cards, audio cards and so on.

     PCB-examination if there is a crooked, broken lines, or "burnout", if there is a burning chips and so on.


2. Sound Check Categories

Sound examination is an examination of the components by listening to the sounds themselves can give meaning to the condition of the computer. An example is:

   mechanical noise can be heard from the round disk, fan rotation and others. Does the sound of these components normally?

     detection beep sound that appears during POST. Beep beep BIOS generated, given a particular meaning.


3. Category Inspection Conditions

This examination requires a more specific interaction such as touching the chip to sense the temperature. CPUs that have excessive heat, will certainly cause problems. If the CPU has a large chip such as EPROM, should have a warm temperature alone. While a small chip that is not direct heat. Ceramic chip hotter than that made of plastic. If this is too cool it may indicate the chip die or no current to him.


4. Category Inspection Signal

This is a last resort if all steps are carried out not able to detect and solve problems. This examination is more complicated, memerlukam special equipment, documents and graphics systems and deep knowledge of electronic systems as well. If you have not experienced this dikategori, do not hesitate to consult with someone who you think is more experienced.


C. Purpose

My purpose in discussing troubleshooting problems in this discussion is to know and understand how to cope if they find troubleshooting of hardware or software. And also wanted to broaden the computer problems in a way to test and record the test results, and manganalisis problems manrik a conclusion.









From this discussion I am only limiting the hardware description, troubleshooting, learn the benefits, how to cope, tips and solutions. I discuss this because at this age have little banyakannya people use computers, where computer problems menganlisis indispensable. But with a limit of my ability, I can only discuss a few of these troubleshooting. Because troubleshooting is a masalalah that will never end. Therefore, I will discuss in general troubleshooting of hardware troubleshooting. And for the software should have to do a simple detector first.

Of the problems that I took at the hardware part of the explanation, I will explain the details of the hardware and parts.

On the second issue, I will explain in more detail about troubleshooting that will be described in more detail in the analysis of the problem.

And in the next issue I will discuss about the benefits of these troubleshooting, how to handle it, as well as tips and solutions.











Understanding Troubleshooting In the computer world, everything matters related to computers and the emergence of referred Troubleshooting computer problems are caused naturally. On this occasion we will learn to detect a problem on your computer primarily related to hardware. For problems with the software you should first do a simple detection of such investigation files relating to the Software or specifications demand (requirements) of the Software. If the problem is quite complicated, you should reinstall all the software, because it would be too complicated to fix a software, while for problems with brainware, the writer can only give advice "resting dulu deh, he ...".

Hardware (hardware) is one element of a computer system, a tool that can be seen and touched by humans directly, which supports the process of computerization. In the Indonesian language is called hardware. Is a tool that we can see and we can physically touch, such as the device input devices, device processing, and output devices. This equipment is generally quite sophisticated. He can work on existing orders to him, which is also called the instruction set. With the commands understood by the machine, then the command to perform various activities that the machine understood by the machine so the machine can work on the command structure obtained olehnya.terdapat some basic components that must-have computer to operate with hard baik.perangkat the must-have are: monitor, keyboard, memory, PC, mouse, RAM, Notebook, and motherboard.






A. Discussion Hardware

Hardware (hardware) is one element of a computer system, a tool that can be seen and touched by humans directly, which supports the process of computerization. In the Indonesian language is called hardware. Is a tool that we can see and we can physically touch, such as the device input devices, device processing, and output devices. This equipment is generally quite sophisticated. He can work on existing orders to him, which is also called the instruction set. With the commands understood by the machine, then the command to perform various activities that the machine understood by the machine so the machine can work on the command structure obtained olehnya.terdapat some basic components that must-have computer to operate with hard baik.perangkat the must-have are:

1. Monitor: the hardware that is useful to visualize the output of the process at the PC.

2.  Keyboard: The most important input devices used to enter characters letters, numbers, and special commands to the computer.

3.  Motherboard: where attach various computer components. Motherboard as a medium of communication between the CPU, memory, BIOS, CMOS, video devices, sound devices, storage devices, chipsets, and many more.

4.  Memory: used to store data temporarily or long-term remote. RAM is the type of device that is determining the computer's performance. The first time the computer started a process that occurs is inisialisai all devices and further information will be stored in RAM.

5.  RAM has many functions, but the important thing is menimpan results and program execution of the system hardware drivers that are used.

6.         Harddisk: storage built from one or more metal discs arranged horizontally on the plate rotation axis.


B. Troubleshooting discussion

Understanding Troubleshooting in the computer world, everything matters related to computers and the emergence of referred Troubleshooting computer problems are caused naturally. On this occasion we will learn to detect a problem on your computer primarily related to hardware.

For problems with the software you should first do a simple detection of such investigation files relating to the Software or specifications demand (requirements) of the Software. If the problem is quite complicated, you should reinstall all the software, because it would be too complicated to fix a software, while for problems with brainware, the writer can only give advice "resting dulu deh, he ...".


C. Techniques in Troubleshooting

Techniques in Troubleshooting: there are two kinds of techniques in detecting problems in the computer, namely engineering and technical Forward Backward. To learn more about the technique, is useful to first discuss the definition of each of these techniques.


D. Forward Engineering

Forward Engineering : as the name suggests, in this technique to detect all kinds of problems since the beginning of the computer assembled and this technique is usually only used by people who used computer dealers do a computer assembly. In this technique only done in a simple detection problem and done before the computer turned on (electrically charged). To simplify, please refer to the following examples:

  After the computer is assembled, the examination conducted on all the hardware is already installed, for example, to examine the relationship of the Power Supply cable to the power socket on the motherboard.

  For ATX chassis, we check whether the Power Switch cable is connected correctly.


E. Backward Engineering

Technique Backward: almost the same as the previous technique, Backward technique is a technique to detect errors on the computer after the computer turned on (electrically charged). Techniques more commonly used because of problems with new computers will come after the "flying hours" the computer a lot and this has been a natural thing. We can take a few examples as follows:

         Floppy Disk that can not read discs properly.

          Computer would not start when the power button is pressed on the casing.



F. Problem Detection Technique

Table detection problem: after a simple explanation of both these techniques the author will explore deeper into Backward technique, because for home computer users these techniques must be used more than Forward technique. To further facilitate the detection of problems on your computer, please refer to the following table:

Component detection problem

1. Power Supply Measurement Analysis

2. Motherboards

3. Speaker

4. RAM Analysis of Voice

5. VGA Card + Monitor

6. Keyboard Display Analysis

7. Card I / O

8. Disk Drive

9. Diskette


G. Measurement Analysis

Measurement Analysis: at this stage, the detection problem by measuring the voltage on the component numbers 1 through 3. Use tools like multitester to measure the voltage received or given component. Example: Measure the voltage received by the Power Supply, then measure the voltage supplied by the Power Supply to the other components.


H. Voice Analysis

Voice analysis: at this stage detection problem using the voice code (beep) is owned by the BIOS and we can hear through your PC speakers. Make sure the PC Speaker cables have been installed properly. Possible problems lies in the component number 4 and 5. To facilitate the introduction of the voice code, please refer to the following information:

  The sound of short beeps once, it means the system has done well Booting process.

  short beeps sound 2 times, it means there is a problem in the configuration or settings in the CMOS.

  1 long beep sound and the short time 2 time, meaning there is a problem on the monitor or VGA Card.

  1 long beep sound and a short time 3 times, meaning there is a problem on the keyboard.

  1 long beep sound and the short times 9 times, meaning there is a problem in the ROM BIOS.

   Long beep sound continuously, meaning there is a problem in DRAM.

  a short beep sound continuously, meaning there is a problem receiving voltage (power).

  In some merkMotherboard sounds a beep several times when the temperature is too high processornya (heat).

  Note: the code above apply beep sound on AWARD BIOS, for other types of BIOS code may have a different beep sound.


AMI BIOS 1x: RAM defective or not installed properly. 6x: Error Gate A20 - usually indicates a broken keyboard. 8x: Graphic card damaged or not installed correctly in the slot. 11x: Checksum-Error. Check the battery on the motherboard.



1x-1x-4x: BIOS corrupted.

1x-2x-1x: Motherboard damaged.

1x-3x-1x: RAM problem, the module is not installed properly

3x-1x-1x: Motherboard damaged.

3x-3x-4x: Graphic card damaged or not installed properly.


So, reply the next time your computer beep sounds, live match bios, and must have found out where the problematic part.


I. Analysis View

Analysis Views: at this stage of the detection problems are more likely because the location of the problem can be identified based on the error message displayed on the monitor. Possible problems lies in the component numbers 6 to 9. Example: When switched on the computer keyboard error message appears, it can be ascertained where the problem is only on the keyboard.


J. How To Get recognise Troubleshooting

If there is a problem and the system still gives the message display on the monitor or beep sound is accompanied by 1 or 2 times, then the problem probably lies in the component numbers 6 to 9, ie the keyboard, Card I / O, Disk Drive and Diskette.

If there is a problem and the system gives beep sound code for more than 2 times, then the problem probably lies in the component number 4 and 5, the RAM, VGA Card and Monitor.

As for problems that are not accompanied by a message on the monitor or beep sound code, most likely the problem lies in the component numbers 1 and 2, namely Power Suplly and motherboard.

With both kinds of techniques in detecting such an issue with the computer, would be more enriching our knowledge in the field of computers, so if one day there is a problem on your computer we can perform tests before bringing to the service, even if it should be brought to the service we have understand the problem, so we are not deceived by the bad service workers.

With the understanding that computer troubleshooting more in course will be easier for us to know where the problems in the computer and of course would be more fun if we could fix their own problem. Hopefully a simple discussion of troubleshooting can be useful, good luck and thank you.


K. Hardware Troubleshooting Software

1.    Problem: PC is not active at all, the lack of response from the CPU and the pwer led monitor.Lampu CPU and Monitor does not turn on / off.

Analysis: Power Supply is not active or dead

Solution: Replace Power supply with a new one.

2.    Problem: When the power on there is no response from the CPU but the total death menyala.CPU monitor, which led lights on the mainboard is dead and colling fan dead.

Analysis: Mainboard damaged or dead

Solution: Replace mainboard is dead with the living, but adapted to the processor that he wears.

3.    Problem: CPU like to restart a sudden or abrupt

Analysis: Mainboard, RAM, chipset and enhancements dirty

Solution: Clean the mainboard, RAM, Chipset and enhancements such as hard drives perangkatt

4.    Problem: When turned on the monitor, looking vertical lines in the monitor.

Analysis: Fan in the AGP VGA does not work or live.

Solution: Replace VGA AGP is dead with the living.

5.    Problem: Winamp program went well, even walking will equilezzernya sound card but do not want to make a sound.

Analysis: Soundcard damaged.

Solution : Replace the damaged soundcard with the living / suara.ganti soundcard issue with PCI souncard.

6.    Problem : When the CPU at power on beep sound 1 a long time but once.

Analysis : RAM Damage

Solution : Replace the RAM is damaged with new RAM

7.    Problem : CPU running but the monitor would not start, and displays the message No signal, when the cable is connected to the VGA port

Analysis: Cable that connects to the VGA port is broken or lost rather

Solution: Monitor Dismantling and replacing the cable with a VGA menhubungkan still good

8.    Problem: CPU when the power on light but not soon hang or not respond at all.

Analysis: Colling Fan for cooling the processor die

Solution: Replace the processor cooling fan colling with a still good.

9.    Problem: Mouse Simbadda with a USB cable and port ps / 2, the cursor does not want to run when the mouse plugs into the port on the ps / 2 mouse cursor will however work if the mouse plugs into the USB.

Analysis: port ps / 2 damage.

Solution: Change the port ps / 2 long with port ps / 2 with a PCI slot that is still good or function

10.  Problem: Forgot your password must be typed system when turned on the PC

Analysis: Password wrong

Solution: Take the CMOS battery is located in the mainboard and put them anymore like this.

11. Problem: Printer visible print, but there is nothing written on paper

Analysis: Printer error

Solution: Remove the head and Catridge from the printer. Separate ink Catridge the head. Take hot water, pour in the end mangkok.Celupkan head into the existing hot water in a bowl. Toss until the ink head in the head to melt. above with a new hot water until a new hot water remained clear (not contaminated by the ink out of the head). Dry the head with a soft cloth until completely dry. Ink Catridge Reunite with head .. Replace the head and Catridge to the printer and try to print

12. Problem: Out to buy a new computer ... ... and then reinstall OS computer with Windows XP service pack 2 ... .. but when he wanted to install the driver ... .. tiba2 not installed ....??

Analysis: Drivers who use the XP does not support Vista will teapi

Solution: Go to the web page and search for the appropriate drivers but supprt with Windows XP after downloading drivers.

13. Problem: In the windows when we cut the folder from 1 directory 2 directory, and we had to walk pastenya lancer but the folder from the directory is still there ... 1 is not lost ... in a normal windows folder is usually lost? If the virus but have used AVG antivirus

Analysis: virus

Solution: Uninstall the previous antiviral use, and install anti-virus to clean the outside as a PC MAV after intu install antivirus to clean the like Kapersky or McAfee.

14. Permasalahaan: Computer does not appear in Network Neighborhood or My Network Place

Analysis: Network Error

Solution: Check ... .. Is the feature "Microsoft File and Printer Sharing" has been installed? Check this feature via the Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connection, if the ping to the network after the data-sharing ....

15. Problem: When We mengistall Microsoft Office 2003 programs appear tiba2 writing data uncured please insert your cd

Analysis: There are some data missing

Solution: Replace with a new CD and not pirated ...

16. Problem: When we want to remove Flasdisk and safely remove hardware problem tiba2 emerge a USB storage device ejecting

Analysis: There are programs that run

Solution: Stop all programs that we run, including virus scanning, ... ... if not biased, too, in there Flasdisk virus may be scanned first and then on remove.

17. Problem: When installing a network with 2 computers on display taskbar tiba2 are writing unplug

Analysis: Cable is not properly installed

Solution: Check or check the network cable is used, then check pemasanganya mode straight or cross

18. Problem: When we will menjalanka program or CMD command prompt we typed in the run did not suddenly appear program

Analysis: There are systems infected with virus

Solution: Repair computer with OS CD that was previously used.

19. Problem: when playing the game suddenly the sound off and running with a stuttering display stumble

Analysis: RAM is not sufficient

Solution: Add more memory to a higher

20. White LCD Screen, Image shake, image flicker when open / close

Solution: Cheek Lcd cable, lcd behind Unplug and linked to the Mainboard, clean, reliable. Behind lcd cable insulation plus.


21. When lighted lamps in flame Mainboard continue to die again.

Solution: Pack up Mainbord, freelance Processor, clean and reliable. If you still have the same meaning damage to the Mainboard.

22.  When mainboard flame lit the lamp, but no view.

Solution: Clean RAM memory. If you still have the same meaning damage to the Mainboard.

23. Notebooks do not want to flame, when installed adapter indicator light blinking.

Solution: Mainboard Error

24. Lcd sometimes burning sometimes death.

Solution: Check the cable or the inverter.

25. DVD RW / Combo not want to detect.

Solution: off DVD RW / Combo, clean the socket.

26. DVD RW / Combo will not read CD / DVD, do not want to burning CD / DVD.

Solution: Replace DVD-RW, or optical properties can also change.

27. Figure ubnormal.

Solution: Install the driver again, check lcd cable, check VGA / Mainboard.


L. Troubleshooting the Motherboard

If the processor is considered as the "brain" computer, the motherboard may be considered a "heart" of life on the PC. As a component of which bears "heavy burden" just a little damage can make your PC wheezing.

In the early generations of computers, components such as processors and Ram directly attached to the motherboard without replaceable or compounded. The model is called semcam backplane. New design allows modular replacement of some components are attached to the motherboard easily, while providing the flexibility available increase opportunities PC technology itself.

However, convenience is always a risk mengandeng. So it is with the motherboard. Since the motherboard used as "target" key to generate the optimal PC, we are faced with the intricacies of growing. Let's show some examples. Increasing needs a powerful processor motherboard designs must follow the demands of processor development. The need for greater data transfer speed requires changing the motherboard design. Recent developments, such as perkembangn Ware Fire technology, USB 2.0, RAID System, Smart Card, Secure Digital, wireless, all gathered in the same land: motherboard.

Though not currently popular all these technologies, but to provide a product appeal motherboard makers were no less sense. They trooped upgrade that provides room, without having to include them when he was mass-produced, to keep it still economical.

Diverse types of chipsets on the motherboard that became a benchmark of technical support are also increasingly making the user confused to choose which is best. Not yet finished with this one issue, we are also faced with several concerns, how to overcome this problem occurs bilaman PC motherboard as the heart, just a little problem can make PC termehek-mehek.

It is precisely the number of options, the first key so that we still do not get lost is understanding delam wilderness mother board architecture, and equip themselves with practical skills to master. Here are the steps.

Repair or Replace The decision to repair is determined by the level of damage that occurs on a motherboard. Meanwhile, the replacement step depends on the level of technological support capacity motherboard or your economic ability to spend the computer items. The problem is what if the motherboard is still comparatively new, while we are not able to detect damage or determine the way out? take a second step before deciding to buy a new one. Back to Basics!

  Check all connectors. Of course, this step is necessary to ensure that no one else apart connectors or not plugged in correctly.

  Check all components attached. This is important to memdeteksi, if installation processor, RAM, VGA card is correct or not. Also to ensure that the physical IC-IC on the motherboard is not damaged or loose.

  Check the incoming power source through a power suplay. To be sure, check the net supply of electric power, then check the output of electricity in power cables using a multimeter suplay. Make sure that the output of each cable is recommended in accordance with the manual.

  Check that there foreign goods that interfere with the motherboard line. Wires, screws, dirt, dust can also affect the breath of life motherboards. Such interference, in addition to data traffic is interrupted, if the strategic position could cause a short circuit konslet alias.

  Check your jumpers, DIP switches, or the regulator pins each feature carefully and correctly. Make sure that you refer to the manuals do not use the science of recitation. Incorrect settings can make your motherboard does not want to live.

  Check your motherboard parts attached to the casing. Short circuit due to the lock without insulation between the casing, the locking screw with the motherboard will make stops every time the electric power button is pressed.


The system does not work when the PC graphics card onboard VGA card is replaced with this kind of problem often occurs when users want to upgrade graphics card on the motherboard that has a VGA add on is installed. However the, on some motherboards, you have to change the settings manually. Actually this will not happen if you know the tips and tricks. Usually the problem will occur when the add on graphics card and your stuck booting for the first time. The system then does not turn at all. Does not even beep sounds at all.

The first step is to re-use your onboard VGA. When It's in the Windows system, do uninstall the onboard VGA driver you use. After that, restart your system back to then enter the BIOS menu. In this menu, you must turn off or MEND-disable onboard VGA feature. After the exit turn off this function from the BIOS and turn off the system.

The next step is to install add on graphics card in your AGP slot or PCI slot in accordance with the type of graphics card you want to use. Once plugged in correctly on the appropriate slot, turn your system back. The system will back up with the add on graphics card as the primary graphics card. Do not forget to install the latest drivers according to the graphic card.

The system does not work when the processor is replaced. This incident happened very often when you want to upgrade or downgrade by using processors with front side bus is different. For example when you were Pentium 533 MHz FSB with which you change to 400 MHz FSB, while the BIOS is still setting the system to work at 533 MHz FSB. In order for the system to work again, there are two ways that can be taken. The first way is to go into the BIOS and the system used Menganti FSB 133 MHZ manjadi of 100 MHz. This is a record if the system motherboard and processor you can still tolerate the use of the FSB is much higher than that used.

Another way is to clear CMOS. If this step is done. Go into your BIOS menu and make sure the FSB is used in conformity with the FSB of your processor to work on. This step is guaranteed to work to overcome these problems.

The system does not work when the DDR memory module is replaced

There are several possibilities that might be an issue with mangapa cause such a problem occurs. The first is the compatibility of the motherboard that is used to the new memory is installed. The reason there are two, namely the problem of memory chips used or an issue with the memory type used. Some motherboards require strict ririskiky yangh chip type used. If no match, the motherboard will not detect the memory operation does not result in the system. While some motherboards do not want the type of memory dipsangi single side or double side. Once again this motherboard compatibility problems of memory installed. If the problem is a memory chip, BIOS updates can sometimes be a telling one solution.

The second possibility is the type of memory has a CAS latency is set lower than the previous memory CAS latency, while the latency is still in the BIOS-settings on the CAS-2. the only way is to do a reset or clear the BIOS. After that go to the BIOS menu which regulates the latency of the memory and work on changing according to memory capacity. The most secure is to change the latency of work on CL-2, 5.

The system does not work despite all the power has been connected

This problem can arise due to several causes. First check whether there is electricity coming on the motherboard. This is important to make sure there is electricity flowing on the motherboard. On most motherboards, an indication of electrical current that flows is indicated by a lit LED lights. If the lamp is not lit, there is certainly no electric current flows. Second, the possibility of power suplay not good alias does not have the appropriate personnel. The only way is Menganti suplay power that you have the better. A third possible cause of the graphics card terpasangnya not right. This is usually happens when you carelessly put add on graphics card. To fix this, you can improve the position of installation. Try to position perpendicular to the motherboard. The fourth cause of which often do not imagine the damage to the power button or the connection that connects the front panel with the power button on the front casing. This causes you can not turn on the system although all installed correctly.

The system suddenly hangs when in overclock. There are several causes for this problem. The first cause of there with some frequency components that require higher employment. This example happens to AGP or PCI installed. To do this, you can go into BIOS and increase the frequency of work. This, too, with a note if you use the motherboard that supports it. The cause of both is the lack of voltage used. For that, you also can enter the BIOS menu and make raising the voltage, both at the processor or memory. But this way is risky kaerena highly dependent on the ability and endurance motherboard, processor, memory, or graphics cards installed. This increase in voltage Kareena will affect the work of some of the attached peripherals.

 The system does not work because the hard drive not detected

This problem often appears in some motherboards. Own mistakes occur not on its motherboard, but the data cable you use. This error usually occurs because you use the secondary port and not the primary port even if you do not use it for the CD-ROM or other drives. In some systems, the motherboard will not detect because of the use of this kind of data cable. Solutions that can be done is to use the main port on the IDE cable to sementar secondary hard drive to CD-ROM drive or the other.

 The system does not work when the CPU fan cable is not installed

This usually occurs in some motherboards that have a sufficient security level trough. In such a mother board, the system will not work if the fan cable is not inserted in the appropriate pins of the CPU fan too. This is intended to ensure that the fan works to protect the processor from excess heat. Well, if you do not install the fan cable to the pin fan power, or even put on one pin, not the system will automatically work. The only step taken is to install the CPU fan cable to the appropriate pins.

When booting the system disk fail state. This problem arises when you do not have a floppy drive in the BIOS while this feature is enabled. The only way is to enter the BIOS menu and disable this feature.

The system did not work three primary graphics adapter replaced

This usually occurs on the motherboard that has onboard VGA feature. As will be replaced with the add on graphics card, either PCI or AGP berebasis. When the setting is not installed in accordance with real conditions, the system will not be able to boot. The only step that can be taken is to clear CMOS or CMOS battery removed even if the jumper to clear CMOS does not exist. This is to force the motherboard back to the default position. After booting can be done, enter the BIOS menu and change the primary graphics adapter setting in accordance with the type of graphics card installed. If you install the AGP-based graphics cards, setting this feature on the AGP add on.

 BIOS password locked. BIOS passwords are typically used to protect the user on the computer BIOS settings. And if you want to reset the password on the BIOS is not too hard to connect his bateray CMOS, with a little trick on Dos, you can reset the BIOS. The first exit Windows or reboot the computer, start the computer in MS-DOS mode, use the option "Command prompt only". At the C: \> prompt, type:

DEBUG. Press Enter. You will see the sign (-) at the DEBUG prompt, type kemudia: o 70 2e. At the DEBUG prompt will be displayed as-o 70 2e. Hit enter, type: o 71 ff. Hit enter, the last type: Q. Hit enter, your food will come out of the DEBUG prompt and return to the C: \> prompt. Now reboot your PC, press del button, and a password to enter the BIOS Setup was already gone.


M. Tips Working With Computers:

1.       Do not hesitate to consult with engineers who are experts in their fields.

2.       If not needed, do not connect power to the computer when the case is still open.

3.       Keep cleaning the place you work.

4.       Use a good light while working.

5.       Wear sandals when working with computers.

6.       Prepare for tagan broom to wipe the sweat.

7.       Prepare a place for screws and bolts and mark the screw-bolt.

8.       Do not make the imposition of a hard-mounted components.

9.       Give ground on the computer.

10.     Save components - components that are released at the right money.

11.     Do the records of any padakomputer changes you.

Equipment required at the time of throubleshooting

1. Tang

2. Screwdriver (- and +)

3. Digital multitester

4. Tweezers

5. Anti-static bracelets

Perogram supporting documents and to prepare

1. Manual

• CPU manual

• motherboard manual

• Transistor Data Book

• printer manual etc.

2. Figure - the scheme components

3. CD Driver

• Motherboard Driver

• VGA card Driver

• Printer Driver

• Driver scanner etc.

4. Program - the installer program toll

• Disk manager

• Anti virus

• PC tolls etc.



1. Computers do not want to live

  Check the cable connections. Is the power cable is installed.

  Make sure the power cable is not broken.

  Check stabilizernya, damaged or not.

  Make sure the power supplied is not a problem with how to change the power cable.

2. Computers want to live but will not boot

In this case we detect damage by listening to sounds or beeps are issued by the PC. Here's a list of beeps on a PC that uses bios AWARD

    Beep 1 time means better conditions PC

    Beep-term means 1 times the memory problem

    beeps 1 long and 3 times the short time means that problems in the VGA card.

    Beep 1 times 2 times long and short is the problem in part.


A. Conclusion

Based on what I do, troubleshooting it happens because there might be a virus or damage to the hardware itself.

The way to avoid troubleshooting caused by viruses by installing anti-virus is telling. But the problem in hardware happening because of our lack of care, and too over our menggunkannya. Because each hardware durability were different. There are perhaps only a few months, maybe some that for years. Depending on the quality and the wearer.

And do not be too arbitrary in conducting activities on the computer. Because it would punish the computer itself, the computer has his own endurance-self.


B. Advice

      Maintain cleanliness manjaga hardware like myself so it does not happen undesirable.

      Before doing any activities with the computer, check dlu issue with the cable, and hardware-harwarenya. Use also stabilizer for electric menstabilokan dipake.

      Do not be too hard memforsir computer.

      Superior antiviral Manggunakan computer in order to prevent himself from attack harmful viruses. Anti virus that is commonly used avira, AVG, SmadAV and NOD32 (ESET products).

      Conduct overlooking to maintain stability on the computer.

      Using the software that serves to stabilize the work PC, for example: products from uniblue (register booster 2010, diskrescue, speed of my PC, power suite), can also use TuneUp2010, or can also use Ccleaner.

      Clever-clever melakuakan activation on the computer. If you have not been used, the better off.

      If a password-password on the computer, we recommend diinget-inget. Kalo should be noted, do not forget supay. Sometimes there are people who forget things like that. His name is also human.

      If there is software that can not run on our OS, the software is less compatible in our OS. My advice try to search on "mbah google", seach do to find software compatible with our OS. ^ _^













-          Computer Systems Costware Polytechnic Telkom Bandung, 2009,



-          Http:// 20 -% 20DAN% 20LANGKAH% 20TIPS% 20dan% 20Tips% 20Trableshoting.pdf? Nmid = 227,100,943

-          Http://

-          Http://

-          Http://

-          Http://













Only a scheme and pictures of troubleshooting and how to overcome them.

1.      Motherboards

2.      Power Problem

3.      Batterey problems

4.      LCD Problem




5.      Drive Problem


6.      Overheating


7.      Wireless


8.      Video Problem



9.      Sound Problem

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